
We welcome all new members, and money is never a barrier to joining the synagogue. You can reach out to Rabbi Yagod at if you have any questions, or drop by on Shabbos for a meal, davening, or just to say hi!

Torah Class

Rabbi Yagod holds a shiur 5 days a week at 8:15pm-8:45pm on a different topic. Please email Rabbi Yagod at if you are interested in joining. All shiurim are translated into Spanish by our volunteer interpreter, Milton Torres-Ceron, who is fluent in both English and Spanish. Once the English-language shiur ends at about 8:45pm, it is then restated in Spanish. A transcript of almost every shiur can be made available in either English or Spanish upon request.


Sunday: Mishnah (Oral Torah)

Monday: Avodah Zara

Tuesday: Parsha (Weekly Torah Portion)

Wednesday: Halachot (Laws) of Shabbat

Thursday: Daf Yomi Highlights (Talumd)

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